Health Education & Promotion Mcq


Heath Education MCQ

1. The objective of health education is to: 

a) Impart knowledge regarding health to those who are illiterate             

b) Effect change in health practices of people & in the knowledge and attitude related to such changes

c) Teach personal hygiene to people              

d) Teach school children regarding anatomy and preventive medicine

2. Which of the following is not the feature of health education?

a) Knowledge is actively acquired    

b) Develops reflective behavior

c) Behavior centered process            

d) Disciplines primitive desires

3. All are used in the planning for health education except:

a) Ensuring participation                    

b) Catchy slogans

c) Cover felt needs                              

d) Using simple words

4. Which of the following is a very effective method of health education to bring out change in health behavior of people?

a) Panel discussion                              

b) Symposium

c) Group discussion                             

d) Workshop  

5. Which of the following method is useful educational device for school children?

a) Demonstration                                

b) Role play         

c) Simulation exercise                         

d) Group discussion

6. For education of general public most potent media is:

a) Television         

b) Radio                

c) Newspaper        

d) Health magazine

7. Health education is:

a) An end in itself                                

b) Instrument to provide health service

c) Instrumental services                     

d) Process towards effective livings

8. Which one is suitable meaning of health education?

a) The means of practicing health habit

b) The process of achieving positive health

c) Acquire knowledge of health education

d) Provide opportunity to become healthy

9. Which one is not the scope of health education?

a) Universe            

b) Work place    

c) Clinical setting   

d) Community

10. Which of the following is not a core function of public health?

a) Assessment                                      

b) Policy development

c) Assurance of services                     

d) Resource mobilization

11. Which of the following is related to legal foundation of health education?

a) Moral ethics                                     

b) Health policy

c) Banning smoking on public places    

d) Health acts 

12. Which of the following is not the method of health education?

a) Counseling       

b) Demonstration                     

c) Poster            

d) Lecture 

13. Which of the following is not the element of communication?

a) Messenger       

b) Message            

c) Channel            

d) Source

14. Which of the following method effective for learning?

a) Learning by seeing                          

b) Learning by hearing

c) Learning by doing                           

d) Learning by repetition

15. Media best for the awareness of an epidemic is:

a) Radio                
b) Miking               
c) Poster                 
d) Pamphlets  

1. b 


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