National Health Education, Information and Communication (According to Annual Report 2075/76, DoHS, Nepal)

    Ø Established in 1993 AD under department of health services.
Ø This center is responsible for developing, producing and disseminating message to promote and support specific all health related programs and services in an integrated manner.
Ø NHEICC program have been placed in 75 districts since FY 2051/52 (1995 AD).
Ø Health education section was established under DOHS in 1965 AD.
Ø Health education is health promotion.
Ø First health education program was introduced in Nepal in Rapti valley.
Ø Health education center was established under DOHS in 1960 AD.
Ø 55 districts focused onto IEC activities about reproductive health and family planning.
Ø Exhibition method of health education is mass method.
Ø Public health day celebrated on 14th August.

Ø NHEICC started to disseminate health message to people through FM radio program since 1998 AD.
Ø Street drama a communication method is allocated by NHEICC for 75 districts.
Ø UNFPA is principle donor for IEC program one reproductive health program.
Ø Goal: To promote healthy behaviour, the prevention andcontrol of disease and increased access to and use of health services. 
Ø Objectives 
     Mobilize and use modern and traditional communication multimedia and methods to raise health awareness, knowledge and promote healthy behaviour among the general public.
     Strengthen, expand and implement health communication programmes at all levels.
     Generate, collect and mobilize resources to implement health communication programmes.
     Prevent the unauthorized dissemination and duplication of health related messages or information and materials on different issues.

     Enhance capacity on health communication to develop, produce and disseminate quality, correct, authorized, uniform appropriate messages and information.
     Provide quality health messages and information through appropriate media and methods to citizens who otherwise have little access to such messages and information.
Ø Main Strategies: Advocacy, social mobilization and behaviour change communication are the majorstrategies for health promotion, education and communication
Ø “health begins at home” was a slogan carried in 1973 AD by WHO.


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